The Journey

This blog is to help those family and friends who want to share in Elder Buck's mission experiences and watch a young boy turn into an amazing young man. Hopefully you all can enjoy this wonderful experience and journey.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Preaching the Gospel and Loving It!!!

It has been about to months since our last post and we apologize. Elder Buck is doing great and the french language is coming. He has moved into a new apartment in the Congo. His testimony and knowledge of the gospel is growing each and every day. The rainy season will start in the next month or so and he's probably going to get wet. He's grows each and every week into the man that will define him throughout his life. Heavenly Father is watching with a heart full of pride to see this young man sacrifice for two years to bring our brothers and sisters in Africa the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Always keep him in your prayers and he sends his love to all of you.

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