The wonderful journey began when Skyler opened his call and read that he would be going to the "Democratic Republic of Congo Kinshasa" mission where he would be speaking French. The following months would be packed with receiving immunizations, doctors visits, shopping, and much worrying.
March 21, 2010 would mark the realization that he would be leaving soon. He delivered his farewell address with passion and emotion. Friends and Family were in tears as he delivered his powerful testimony of the Gospel and his love for the people he would teach. Skyler would later have to say many goodbyes throughout the day and many more tears were shed for the love that everyone had for him and he had for them.
March 23, 2010 brought us the stake presidents office where Skyler would be set-apart as a full-time missionary and be blessed to baptize and learn the language needed to be a successful missionary. The spirit was strong as Skyler was set-apart. The spiritual giant which he is was blessed and became a messenger of the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
March 24, 2010 would be a very emotional day. We would be taking Elder Buck to embark on his journey and would enter the MTC at 12:45 pm. As we made the trip to Provo hearts were heavy with sadness and joy. There was much laughter and crying as Provo got closer. Finally, we arrived, as we pulled to the curb emotions were to hard to control. We hugged this wonderful Elder one last time before he started his wonderful journey that is a mission. Love and emotions were expressed and we gave our last goodbyes. The image of this strapping young man walking away to become one the Lord's stripling warriors is one that will be forever imprinted on the minds of his loving family.